Sunday, November 26, 2006

step on

when was the last time you remembered being stepped on by others. but how about being used as a stepping stone by others?

was wondering if there are people who get together with their partners and slowly learn their positive traits. after this, they suddenly realised that "hey, i dont think we can work this out anymore, sorry"

A got together with B because she thinks he's very different from the other guys she dated. B got together with A because he thinks she can improve him as a bf. however, A has a lot not-so-desirable traits but B hopes to change her and embrace her other characteristics. A on the other hand is unsure A's behaviour, only trying to get use to them and not understand why he behaves that way.

so they dated and finally one day A just decides that its not working out. B is bummed.

slowly, the new A starts to appear, traits which B has been trying to instill in A are appearing but they are no longer together. A becomes more desirable because of the new traits but B is not the one with A.

of cause, this can all be just pure B.S

Thursday, November 23, 2006

insincere ba****d

sick of those who continuously speak insincerely. crap

there i was talking, there he was answering me. man i thought, this is actually a nice dude. so easy going, seem to understand where i was coming from. ok i accepted his reasons for not being available to meet up for me to do a proper introduction.

so the time comes for him to be actually free, magically, forgets everything we talked about. apparently he's become busier than expected and when i mentioned what we talked about before, no reply.


thank you friend.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


how many times have we been disappointed?

every single phase, month, year has disappointments. sometimes we let ourselves be exposed to it event though we know damn well its going to happen. so why do we do it? because we love the risks involved and we want to find out for ourselves if this can turn out to be the best thing ever. becasue we want to feel miserable, because we want to satisfy this curiosity. damn...

oh yes, on top of all these, the govt has decided to increase the damn GST to 7%. this in bid to improve welfare for the community and also to prepare for the ageing population. what ****. oh well, means i just have to eat out at cafes and restaurants next time.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Someone once told me, saving is not in her dictionary. I agree to a certain extend that money is to be spent, but how confident are you that you can actually keep having this amount of money to spend.

More often than not, we find ourselves in situations where we declare ourselves 'broke'. This term is often used when we run out of cash to spend or dispose. So we start looking for jobs or parents for the source of extra income, but how long can we keep doing this? not everyone is born into a wealthy family.

Shouldnt young adults start making backups for themselves, it irks me to hear people talking about how their parents have made plans or savings for them. I mean, do you really want to depend on your parents forever? Does it mean they saved the money for you means its only for you? Should something happen, who are you to stop them from using the money.

Even young kids know how to save with their piggy banks, where did this wonderful tradition go?????