Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Someone once told me, saving is not in her dictionary. I agree to a certain extend that money is to be spent, but how confident are you that you can actually keep having this amount of money to spend.

More often than not, we find ourselves in situations where we declare ourselves 'broke'. This term is often used when we run out of cash to spend or dispose. So we start looking for jobs or parents for the source of extra income, but how long can we keep doing this? not everyone is born into a wealthy family.

Shouldnt young adults start making backups for themselves, it irks me to hear people talking about how their parents have made plans or savings for them. I mean, do you really want to depend on your parents forever? Does it mean they saved the money for you means its only for you? Should something happen, who are you to stop them from using the money.

Even young kids know how to save with their piggy banks, where did this wonderful tradition go?????


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